View EverQuest 2 data. Search and view details of guilds, characters and items.
Before posting negative comments or sending crash reports please:
1. Update to the latest version (it's 2014 and I'm still getting crash reports from versions I released in 2012)
2. Try pressing the menu button.
3. Send an email with specific details (server, guild, character). Vague comments like "I can't see my character" won't help me fix bugs and I will do my best to fix problems reported by email as quickly as possible.
4. Please don't spam me with automated bug reports from old versions of the app. It won't make me more inclined to fix anything, it will make me more inclined to remove the bug report facility completely.
Please note: my email address is provided here to allow people to send bug reports and app-related suggestions. Emails unrelated to this (particularly commercial opportunities from advertisers, promoters and alternative markets) will be treated with the contempt they deserve.
I'm no longer an EQ2 player or blessed with an abundance of free time so maintenance for this app will be limited to critical issues. If you want to fix bugs yourself then feel free because:
This app is distributed under the GNU Public Licence version 3. You are free to download the source and compile it yourself but all derived works must be published under the same licence (with source code).
If anyone wants to contribute to the project, let me know and I will gladly publish new versions with contributions from other developers.